I was craving Thai food, but was out of coconut milk, and also didn't feel like making green curry paste. So, I sought out the help of Thai Kitchen. They make these noodle packages that are less than $1, and are similar Ramen. Except that they are so, so very much better. It's just rice noodles, an oil packet, and a spice packet. This is another good example of letting the pantry food aisle give you a helping hand for a good starter base. So, I cooked up two packages of the noodles. Into that I added about a cup of steamed broccoli, and let it all simmer together with some additional ginger and a squeeze of lime juice. I sauteed about two cups of squash and green bell pepper and two portabella mushrooms in olive oil and garlic, with a bit of ginger. All the sauteed veggies were stirred into the noodles and broccoli, and then the tofu I baked earlier was chopped up and stirred in as well.
When served, each bowl was topped with chopped peanuts, a sprinkle of basil, and a slice of lime. I was having one of those cooking nights were I just KNEW dinner was going to be awful, and then, on top of not being awful, it was really, really good. The portabella mushrooms and the tofu gave it a nice density. The flavor of the rice noodles was surprisingly complex for something that is little more than Ramen noodles' snooty uptown cousin. Then again, Thai Kitchen has yet to let me down. I would definitely make this again.
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