This was a step in the long, laborious process of creating beet latkes last night. I rarely, pretty much never, fry things, so it wasn't my most shining moment in the kitchen. The pictures turned out totally unappetizing, and at the risk of putting you off of beets forever, I decided to simply link you the recipe to I made the latkes and the apple salsa they recommend. The flavors were spot on, but mine weren't *quite* as crisp as a latke deserves to beet. Be. Beet. Ahem. Here's the recipe-
I'm too lazy to embed, I know, I'm terrible. Don't judge me too harshly. I'm a bit sensitive after the less than stellar latke result. I can't stress enough- make these! They taste great. Just be better at frying things than me.
(I saved the beet juice for a smoothie later. If you don't want to put beet juice in your smoothie, try using it to dye something. As I said, it works very, very well. I'm also going to use some to tint a homemade lip balm. Oh beets. They're so useful.)
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