After realizing just how amazing my homemade cashew cheese was, I couldn't wait to make this pizza tonight. I had good intentions of making the crust from scratch, but I stayed at my internship office a bit longer than intended and then I had to pick up our CSA share- whee!- so since Whole Foods was on the way I grabbed a thin, whole wheat pizza crust. I baked it for 3 minutes to get it a bit crispy, and then piled everything on. I started with more of the pesto from earlier, and then spread on all of the cashew cheese (aka wonder sauce). On top of that I put a mixture of zucchini, squash, red bell pepper, and green bell pepper sauteed in olive oil, fresh garlic, and seasoned with herbs de provence, cayenne, and black pepper. On top of that was a layer of uncooked baby bellas, white onions, very small shreds of vegan pepperoni, and fresh basil from the CSA. This was baked for about 10 minutes, before it completed the transition into an amazing tour de force of pizza magic- totally not an exaggeration, I promise!
Next to that vegetable awesome-sauce thin crust explosion was a salad. Made from CSA lettuce, broccoli, baby bellas, blueberries, tomatoes, avocados, and unsalted, roasted walnuts, tossed in a raspberry vinaigrette, a squeeze of lemon juice, and a generous sprinkling of chia seeds. I think this might be my favorite salad so far.
As for the beverage- nope, not red wine, I don't drink. This is half of a bottle of blackberry Izze. It's 70% pure fruit juice and the rest is sparkling water. I thought I would want something fizzy with the pizza, but I only drank about 1/3 of it before I passed it over to Bobby. Speaking of Bobby, he agreed that the cashew cheese was probably the best thing ever- other than me, but I think that's just because he has to keep me around to make the cashew cheese ;)
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