I had a few things to use up in the fridge after our trip- spaghetti squash, tomatoes, mango, avocados, zucchini, and a red bell pepper- so I did some lazy wraps. This is (very, very loosely) inspired by the spaghetti squash recipe in "Veganomicon", but about one million times less involved :)Basically I baked a spaghetti squash, and threw it in with a can of red kidney beans, a zucchini, a red bell pepper, tomatoes, and a yellow squash. All of this was sauteed in 4 cloves of garlic and olive oil and seasoned with a vegetarian chili packet. I added two generous fingerfuls of nutritional yeast, mixed it all up, and let it simmer to thicken up into a taco filling consistency. This mixture was spooned into a large swiss chard leaf- I wish you could see the hot pink veins!- and topped with chopped mangoes, tomatoes, avocados, a spoonful of chipotle hot sauce, and a sprinkle of cilantro. On the side is the remaining base of acorn squash/mango soup, to which I added two big handfuls of more chard sauteed in lime juice, cumin, and olive oil. The soup is seasoned with a tbsp of raspberry vinaigrette, more cumin, pepper, ginger, and garlic salt. I toasted the spaghetti squash seeds in the oven with some olive oil and pepper, and tossed those on top. They were delicious and really made the soup.
Here it is all wrapped up. I thought it looked like a wrinkly caterpillar. I only ate about half of it, and half of the soup. It felt really good to get back in my kitchen and make a veggie/fiber/nutrient/protein rich homecooked meal after all the road meals.
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