Cardamom has to be, hands down, one of my favorite spices. It doesn't get a lot of play in the typical cook's rotation, but I'm apt to sneak it into lots of random things- including my smoothies from time to time. We had some CSA plums that had been cleaned, sliced, pitted, and frozen, but I didn't want them to languish too long in the depths of our personal kitchen tundra because I hate to waste the freshness of fruit by freezing it and letting it get all ice-furry and frost bitten. I wanted an interesting recipe involving plums, and when I found
this one that featured not only plums but cardamom I knew I could stop searching and start baking. A few notes about the recipe- don't ask me why it mentions cookie sheets. For one, this is a cake, thus I made it in my Pyrex casserole dish that doubles as a cake pan in my Spartan and minimalistic kitchen. For two, the picture accompanying the recipe isn't even in a cookie sheet, which further confounds me. Moving on...
I made a few tweaks here and there that I can't remember because I fly by the seat of my pants most of the time in the kitchen, but just trust me that whatever you do during the mixing and baking process will turn out fine because you can't really go wrong with a dense, moist fruit cake filled with cardamom. Oh yes, that is one tweak I made- extra cardamom. I also chopped up the plums and mixed half in with the batter to incorporate the flavor throughout, and sprinkled the other half on top so they would get nice and broiled, bursting open and letting their juice seep into the cake.
This is how it turned out, and Bobby happily at it all week long for breakfast as well as for snacks at work.

It just occurred to me that it would have been nice to take a picture of this served up on a plate so you could see the plums specked throughout. This was excellent with a scoop of vanilla coconut milk ice cream.
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